Amazing Donations Engine

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

WooCommerce Shop Ready

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

WPML Multilingual Ready

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

One Click Importer

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

Retina Ready Icons

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

Multiple Home Variants

Nullam non efficitur purus. Sed vitae lorem vel arcu imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut quis odio est. In vestibulum dignissim nisl.

[heading_title_subtitle title=”Latest Fundraising Causes” subtitle=”Blogging is now made easy using Fundraising WordPress Theme! Share the news and press releases to your focus group and complete charity causes using donations.” title_color=”dark_title” border_color=”dark_border” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”]

Food Pack Appeal

£110 of £1,000 raised
Raised by 2 Donors
fundraising appeal to help families that are struggling with food insecurity and other financial pressures as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. To prevent thousands of families struggling even more than the rest of us during these difficult times we need to act now.

Pehla Qadam

£0 of £1,000 raised
Raised by 0 Donors
With only £5 a month you can sponsor a child in “Phela Qadam Academy”. With your sponsor, child tuition fee, uniform and stationery will be arranged


£0 of £1,000 raised
Raised by 0 Donors
Skills and Educational Centre in Pind Dadan – Pakistan aim to provide high quality learning and skills to help finding jobs or to start small business.

Sponsor an orphan

£150 of £8,000 raised
Raised by 1 Donor
Our orphan sponsorship programme changes the lives of children around the world. Currently, we are working in Pakistan, helping orphans with their education, health and daily needs.


£100 of £1,000 raised
Raised by 1 Donor
We have an exciting venture that is providing a vital income stream to needy families.

Faiz Centre

£373 of £1,500 raised
Raised by 2 Donors
Free School for kids in small village - Kot Mitthon (Pakistan)
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[heading_title_subtitle title=”These Causes Needs Your Attention” subtitle=”Fundraising Theme allows you to add multiple media types into a cause just to make sure it gets the desired attention and focus from its visitors.” title_color=”dark_title” border_color=”dark_border” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”]
[testimonials01 number=”10″ visible_items=”2″]
[heading_title_subtitle title=”From The Blog” subtitle=”Blogging is now made easy using Fundraising WordPress Theme! Share the news and press releases to your focus group and complete charity causes using donations.” title_color=”dark_title” border_color=”dark_border” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”][blogpost01 number=”2″ columns=”2″ animation=”fadeIn” blog_post_day_color=”#1fcb64″]
[heading_title_subtitle title=”Fellow Volunteers” subtitle=”Volunteers help easy using Fundraising WordPress Theme! Share the news and press releases to your focus group and complete charity causes using donations.” title_color=”dark_title” border_color=”dark_border” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”]

Marzia Rossi

Long Time Volunteer
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Curabitur blandit mollis lacus. Proin viverra,

Jamie Rossi

Junior Volunteer
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Curabitur blandit mollis lacus. Proin viverra,

Carla DeRossi

Junior Volunteer
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Curabitur blandit mollis lacus. Proin viverra,

Mark DeRossi

Senior Volunteer
Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Curabitur blandit mollis lacus. Proin viverra,
[tslr_instagram_feed number=”6″ tagname=”themeslrfundraisingwp” columns=”col-md-2″ no_gap=”no_gap”]